How to use the TURTLE MANUAL triggers
The easy-to-use, reliable manual triggers from the TRT-Electronics offer the most important features for underwater photographers. A DSLR or a mirrorless camera gives the option to fire the flash on the 1st or 2nd/rear curtain, so the TURTLE MANUAL triggers let you choose between them. They also work in High-Speed Sync (HSS) mode (only with Retra PRO underwater strobes).
Let's see how these underwater flash triggers work with the different camera models!
The e-TURTLE MANUAL flash trigger is made for Canon DSLR cameras. If the shutter speed is slower than 1/250, you can choose between the 1st or 2nd curtain. If you set the shutter speed to 1/250 or faster, the trigger will automatically work in HSS mode.
The i-TURTLE MANUAL is the flash trigger for Nikon DSLR and mirrorless cameras. You can set up your camera to 1st or 2nd curtain. If the FP mode is enabled, you can use the faster shutter speeds in High-Speed Syncron with the Retra PRO strobes.
The o-TURTLE MANUAL trigger was designed for Olympus mirrorless cameras. If the shutter speed is slower than 1/160, you can choose between the 1st or 2nd curtain. If the shutter speed is 1/160 or faster, the trigger automatically works in HSS mode.
The s-TURTLE MANUAL trigger is made for Sony mirrorless cameras. First, you have to enable WL (Wireless) mode to set 1/160 or faster shutter speed in the Sony A6xxx series or 1/250 or faster shutter speeds in the Sony A7 series. In this case, the trigger will work in HSS mode with the Retra PRO strobes.