How to open TURTLE loader on Mac in macOS Catalina

A few simple steps to use our app.

Important update!

From 22.11.2020. you can download the new TURTLE Loader for Mac for all SMART models that you can run without any special steps. We recommend updating your Loader for Mac app! You can find them on the specific product pages in the webshop.

The new versions are available to download from the official App Store as well.

The information below was provided for the older versions of the TURTLE Loader for Mac.

Some of the Mac users noticed a problem recently: they couldn't open the TURTLE loader in MacOS Catalina. If you want to solve this problem, follow these steps: (You need to follow these steps only if you have the older TURTLE Loader for Mac app. Since 22.11.2020. you can download the new TURTLE Loader for Mac for all SMART models that you can run without any special steps.)

- Exit System Preferences on your Mac
- On Finder, click Go
- Select Utilities
- Double-click Terminal

- Type of the following command syntax: sudo spctl --master-disable 
- Hit Return
- Authenticate with an admin password
- Hit Return 
- Exit Terminal

To change your settings:
- Click on System Preferences on your Mac Dock
- Choose Security & Privacy
- Tap the lock at the bottom left of the screen
- Enter your password to unlock Security and Privacy
- Choose the Anywhere under Allow apps downloaded from- prior to making the change, this option wasn't available
- Click the unlocked lock to keep the change

If you would like to learn more about this issue, we suggest reading this article.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!

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